• Strong Body Life

    "Experience the fusion of yoga and fitness with Strong Body Life yoga, enhancing both physical strength and overall well-being through dynamic practice."

  • Increased Flexibility

    "Engaging in regular yoga sessions gradually enhances flexibility, resulting in improved range of motion and a more fluid body."

  • Healthy Lifestyle

    "Adopting a healthy lifestyle involves mindful choices in nutrition, exercise, and self-care, paving the way for vitality and well-being."

  • Increases Blood Flow

    "Physical activity, like yoga, increases blood flow, optimizing oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells, promoting overall health."

  • Drops Blood Pressure

    "Consistent yoga practice has been shown to help lower blood pressure, contributing to cardiovascular health and well-being."

  • Regulates Adrenal Gland

    "Yoga practice can play a role in regulating adrenal gland function, promoting hormonal balance and stress management."

  • Reduces stress

    "Regular engagement in yoga has been proven to effectively reduce stress, fostering mental clarity and a sense of inner calm."

  • Lowers blood pressure.

    "Engaging in activities like yoga increases blood flow, nourishing tissues and promoting optimal body function."

Welcome To Himalayan yoga

Better Life With Perfect Body

Himalayan Yoga is a World renowed yoga Ashram basedin india,the home and origin of yoga renowned for its high teaching standards ,Himalayan yoga is top choice for aspiring yogis and yogini to deeper their practise knowledge and connection to the science of the yoga.

Hatha Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Intuitive Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Intuitive Yoga

Aroma Yoga

Slow Yoga

Power Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

Aroma Yoga
Slow Yoga
Power Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
  • Start Form Beginners

  • Balance Body & Mind

  • Increased Flexibility

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    yoga is a holistic practice that encompasses the union of mind, body, and soul. Rooted in ancient traditions, it offers a pathway to inner peace, self-awareness, and profound well-being.


    yoga is a holistic practice that encompasses the union of mind, body, and soul. Rooted in ancient traditions, it offers a pathway to inner peace, self-awareness, and profound well-being.

  • "Rooting Yourself in the Basics"

    "Rooting Yourself in the Basics"

    We'll dive into the fundamental principles of yoga. From the eight limbs of yoga to understanding the mind-body connection, we'll lay the groundwork for a meaningful practice. Whether you're intrigued...

    "Rooting Yourself in the Basics"

    We'll dive into the fundamental principles of yoga. From the eight limbs of yoga to understanding the mind-body connection, we'll lay the groundwork for a meaningful practice. Whether you're intrigued...

  • "Breathing Life into Your Practice"

    "Breathing Life into Your Practice"

    The breath is the bridge between the body and the mind. In this segment, we delve into pranayama – the art of yogic breathing. Discover techniques to calm the mind,...

    "Breathing Life into Your Practice"

    The breath is the bridge between the body and the mind. In this segment, we delve into pranayama – the art of yogic breathing. Discover techniques to calm the mind,...

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